For warehouses of any size, creating the right locations is crucial. By ‘locations’, we don’t just mean things like “the break room.” In the context of warehouse design, ‘locations’ are the parts of your warehouse layout along a set picking path, including warehouse shelves and storage solutions that store inventory and affect how your staff Read the full article…

  Whatever your industry, whatever products you deal in, inventory accuracy is critical for any warehouse or distribution center. Accurate inventories can help you keep on top of potential shortages and item loss before it has a chance to affect your bottom line, but for maximum effectiveness these counts need to be done as proactively Read the full article…

  No matter how well-organized your warehouse shelves may be, there always seems to be traffic when it comes to picking. Many warehouses make the mistake of considering pick paths an afterthought, or something to worry about after the bigger issues such as product location and inventory counts have been taken care of. By putting Read the full article…

  If your warehouse deals with products directly from a vendor, it can be difficult to keep track of all the different SKUs and barcodes that crop up along the way. Different manufacturers and vendors can use some pretty inconsistent SKUs, UPCs, and the like (trust us, there is a difference between them!) and it Read the full article…

  In the worlds of e-commerce, retail, and product fulfillment, returns are an unfortunate fact of life. Ideally, nobody would ever have to return a product and everyone’s purchases would be perfect right away, but that’s not the world we live in and sometimes things need to be sent back to the warehouse. With the Read the full article…

  In the world of retail, distribution, and e-commerce, having the right picking and packing staff is absolutely critical to getting things done on time. With the constant flow of product both into and out of most warehouses, making sure your picking staff is trained, equipped, and prepared for whatever may come can have a Read the full article…

  Dry goods, bulk goods, and other types of less-perishable food items are an often-overlooked factor in food storage security. Much attention is paid to the items that need additional factors to be stored safely, such as anything in cold storage, but dry goods storage is equally important if perhaps not as visible and glamorous. Read the full article…

  In warehouses, there’s many different ways products need to be stored, some more securely than others. For the safety of your workers, the integrity of your warehouse itself, and the protection of your goods, certain items like flammable products or sensitive electronics need secure storage away from items that may damage or affect them Read the full article…

  Food storage is a common function of warehouses at various points along the supply chain, and with food storage comes a number of regulations and requirements. Any warehouse that stores food will have different federal and state regulations that need to be adhered to keep the food, your workers, and your customers safe from Read the full article…

  Hazardous materials storage is a common job for many larger warehouses, but it’s one that comes with a unique set of risks and opportunities. True to their name, hazardous materials need to be handled, transported, and stored with the greatest care to prevent damage and injury to your warehouse and your staff. As defined Read the full article…

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