If you work in a cold storage warehouse that deals with pharmaceuticals, food storage, or other sensitive products, you know what kind of problem a change in temperature can cause. Surely, someone somewhere on your warehousing staff has made the old reliable dad joke of “well, if it’s cold outside…”, and they may be Read the full article…

  The development of new food technology has allowed fresh food to be frozen and transported safely all over the world without running the risk of the food expiring or becoming tainted before it gets to the customer. Of course, food transportation on that scale requires a great deal of cold storage to help it Read the full article…

In the modern food industry, frozen foods are a staple of many businesses – and diets. Advancements in frozen and cold-stored foods have made them a popular choice for people of any inclination or health requirement, but the transportation, storage, and delivery of pre-packaged frozen goods is an industry and a process all unto itself. Read the full article…

Low temperature operations, whether in manufacturing or storage, can come with their own unique set of problems and challenges. There’s customer expectations that need to be managed, there’s product that needs to be handled more safely, and there’s the overall impact of having a low-temperature zone inside your warehouse. While we’ve provided tips for managing Read the full article…

Whether for food, pharmaceuticals, or other types of sensitive products that need to be stored in low temperatures, making the most of the available cold storage space is a constant concern for many warehouses. Above and beyond the typical warehouse storage concerns, maximizing freezer space is a priority for warehouses due to their need to Read the full article…

The need for cold storage has been around since about the time humankind figured out you could make food and materials last longer by keeping them on ice. Of course, it’s grown far more sophisticated since then, and now we have entire warehouses and facilities devoted to cold storage of a variety of items.   Read the full article…

  If you work in the food storage industry in any capacity, you’re well aware of the need for proper cold storage. Dating back to British fisherman in the 1700s who found that they can keep their shipments fresh by storing them on ice, cold storage is a vital part of the food industry to Read the full article…