The distribution center is the heart and soul of most retail operations, both for warehousing and for the supply chain. No matter how you sell products, whether you serve retail outlets or sell directly to the end consumer via an online storefront, distribution centers are frequently a destination for products along their journey, and Read the full article…

The thing about warehouses in the modern day is that they may not always be in the same place, and they may not hold still long enough for you to really keep track of them. For many industries that require small parts to get their job done, or for travelling salesmen that still keep their Read the full article…

Every warehouse has those small items that you just can’t quite count easily. Whether it’s tiny electronics parts, small items sold in a package together (like individual nuts and bolts for hardware), or simply something requiring bulk storage, small “uncountable” items can be a hassle in any warehouse. It simply isn’t productive or feasible to Read the full article…

Order picking is a big part of warehouse operations, and it’s something that can vary strongly from warehouse to warehouse depending on your priorities and the items you carry. But while there may not be a one-size-fits-all order picking strategy for every single warehouse, there are a number of things that will influence your order Read the full article…

There’s a lot of different ways to handle inventory, and many of them can change depending on your chosen industry and how you distribute products to customers. Customers, however, can often serve as the best way to determine your best inventory priorities going forward. If your business deals in selling products directly to consumers without Read the full article…

As a warehouse, your job is to store products that people presumably want to buy, and then ship those products out in a timely manner to retail outlets or the customer themselves. Accordingly, there’s perhaps no feeling worse for a warehouse than knowing you’ve run out of an item. Every time a popular item goes Read the full article…

We all want a more accurate inventory, right? No matter what you store or how you handle it, it can feel like getting an accurate and fair inventory count is the toughest part of maintaining a warehouse. This can lead to a lot of bad habits along the way, as your desire to get an Read the full article…

While it’s true that warehouses exist to safely store product over a long period of time, the actual receiving of the product can be just as crucial to daily operations. Of course, any warehouse with regular product intake can find themselves with a lot on their plate, and after a while you might start falling Read the full article…

No matter what metrics you track or how your warehouse judges success, we all know the biggest impact on these numbers stems from the holiday months. The end of the year is where the biggest information about yearly sales, staffing levels, and other KPIs is found, due in large part to the pure sales volume Read the full article…

It’s the phrase no warehouse manager wants to hear: “We’re losing a lot of money on storing/shipping our inventory”. While it may not be accurate to call these issues ‘unavoidable’, in many cases they tend to creep up without notice. Some of the biggest money sinks when it comes to inventory management and transport can Read the full article…

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