While implementing barcodes can go a long way towards making inventory management that much easier, there’s a lot that can go wrong with it. Not in a completely catastrophic way, of course, but in just enough of a way that, if implemented incorrectly, can begin to cause bigger problems throughout the warehouse, and that sort Read the full article…

Inventory is the backbone of warehouses—after all, without inventory to store, there’s not much point in having a warehouse, is there? But the thing nobody warns you about is that inventory is expensive to keep around. Even above and beyond the value of the goods themselves, inventory management can bring with it a large number Read the full article…

No matter how big your warehouse or how much you have to store, there’s always a few small items that can fall through the cracks. Literally, in some cases. If you deal in small components like electronics parts or hardware, it can be much harder to get an accurate number of how many products you Read the full article…

Regardless of whether or not it’s a peak season or just another day at the office, a lot of warehouses find themselves running into the same few inventory problems over and over again. It isn’t for want of trying, and even the most well-trained and efficient warehouse staff can run into the occasional snag with Read the full article…

Retail, direct-to-consumer sales, product distribution—whatever your warehouse does, you probably ship out a lot. And when you get to shipping products in high volumes, there’s bound to be some mistakes here and there. Once off mistakes or poor judgment calls are fine, but if left unchecked these can start building up into bad habits that Read the full article…

A successful business is something of a double-edged sword: as demand increases and your popularity rises, you probably find yourself having a harder time keeping up. Sure, there’s worse problems to have (better to be too busy than not busy enough, one might say) but it does provide an awful lot of operational issues you Read the full article…

Among all the costs and requirements that warehouses can encounter, order fulfillment is one of the most common—and can run out of control if not kept in check. Especially in these times of daily online shopping and constant demands for improved shipping times, it feels like a lot of the expense for shipping and fulfilling Read the full article…

Let’s all be honest with ourselves: nobody actually enjoys doing inventory counts. Sure, knowing what you have on hand is important, and there’s always a sense of relief when it’s over/you have a better understanding of what products your inventory currently has in stock, but the idea of actually performing a top-to-bottom inventory check every Read the full article…

A lot of focus in the warehousing industry is paid to the idea of logistics—the moving of products into and out of your facility into the hands of retailers, consumers, and the like. But what if those products had to move back into your warehouse even after the sale?   In these times of online Read the full article…

We’ve all been there—there’s too many items in your current warehouse, nothing is being tracked right, and it’s just too darn hard to find anything. A quick solution to a lot of these issues is barcoding—the art of placing barcodes at every item location throughout the warehouse in order to better track current inventory standings Read the full article…

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