Picking—it’s a necessary function of any modern warehouse, but the processes involved can get messy and overcomplicated with time. Every warehouse has their own individual needs when it comes to picking, packing, and moving items, but there’s a few areas nearly any distribution center or warehouse could focus on in order to improve operations Read the full article…

In the modern warehouse, conveyors are a common sight no matter what type of products the warehouse deals in. The design of gravity conveyors allows for much easier flow of product throughout the warehouse, cutting down on picking time and in many cases providing a safer and more ergonomic way of working for your staff. Read the full article…

  The loading dock, as you can imagine, is absolutely vital to the operations of any warehouse. For warehouses of any industry, from heavy machinery to customer-facing retail and even specialty niche markets, the loading dock is the heart of every operation. It keeps products flowing in and out, it serves as either the first Read the full article…

Worker ergonomics is a crucial part of many warehouses these days, and an oft-overlooked area of ergonomic improvement is the loading dock. The loading dock is one of the busiest areas in any given warehouse and may have the largest concentration of work being done in the entire area. Much like any other area where Read the full article…

As a warehouse, your job is to store products that people presumably want to buy, and then ship those products out in a timely manner to retail outlets or the customer themselves. Accordingly, there’s perhaps no feeling worse for a warehouse than knowing you’ve run out of an item. Every time a popular item goes Read the full article…

Just when you think you know what warehouses are used for, someone comes along and changes everything. In today’s economy, a lot of businesses are finding it easier to rent part of a pre-existing warehouse instead of purchasing or renting their own space—and a lot of warehouses are finding these requests profitable, especially in areas Read the full article…

As you can imagine, here at Shelving Inc we’re all about warehouse organization. But maybe we don’t spend enough time explaining why. Much like when your home is organized, having a clean and organized workplace can actually have a huge positive effect on your workers, both mentally and physically. These more intangible benefits can start Read the full article…

The holiday season has descended upon the world of retail and distribution once again, and with it comes all the same ecstasy and agony we’ve grown accustomed to. Sure, the sales figures are always nice to go back over, but the chaos and pressure of the season in the meantime can be a lot for Read the full article…

While implementing barcodes can go a long way towards making inventory management that much easier, there’s a lot that can go wrong with it. Not in a completely catastrophic way, of course, but in just enough of a way that, if implemented incorrectly, can begin to cause bigger problems throughout the warehouse, and that sort Read the full article…

No matter how big your warehouse or how much you have to store, there’s always a few small items that can fall through the cracks. Literally, in some cases. If you deal in small components like electronics parts or hardware, it can be much harder to get an accurate number of how many products you Read the full article…